Want your child to join 14th Ashton ACM Scouts?

14th Ashton ACM Scouts Joining Application Form Link

Interested in joining as a leader? Contact us on-


Leaders Access

Online Scout Manager Login

Step 1

Thoroughly read pages 1-6.

Complete the Joining form.

A copy of the completed form will be emailed to you, please refer back to this when needed.

Step 2

The joining form will be processed and you will be informed of the outcome.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to email scouts@ashtoncentralmosque.com

Please allow 48 hours for a response.

What is Scouts?

Scouting provides an exciting and adventurous experience for over 500,000 young individuals in the UK. It offers them the chance to grow and achieve their full potential. The core principles of Scouting encourage young people to develop self-discipline, engage in group activities, gain knowledge about the world, and contribute to society.

Through a wide range of activities, young people are challenged and equipped with various skills. These activities enable them to work towards earning different awards and badges in Scouting. These include adventure, outdoor skills, teamwork, leadership, artistic abilities, faith, community impact, fire safety, global awareness, astronomy, crafts, fundraising, water activities, and many more.

In January 2024, ACM Scouts Insha’Allah will be launched as part of the Tameside Scouts District. We are proud to be the first Muslim Scouts group in Ashton. The success of Muslim Scouting can be attributed to the shared values between Scouts and Islam. Integrity, respect, care, belief, and cooperation are all fundamental principles that we aim to instil in our young Muslims today.

Greater Manchester East County Scouts Council Award Presentation

Wednesday, November 22, 2023
We were honoured to be selected as the hosts for the Greater Manchester East County Scouts Council Award Presentation.

This was a fantastic event celebrating the incredible achievements of exceptional individuals.

Over 50 awards were presented, including the prestigious ‘The King’s Scout Award’, which is the highest award in Scouts.

We were honoured with the presence of our esteemed guests:

His Majesty’s Vice Lord-Lieutenant of Greater Manchester
Mrs. Sharman Birtles, MBE, JPDL

The Mayor of Tameside
Councillor Tafheen Sharif

The Mayor and Mayoress of Stockport
Councillor Graham Greenhalgh and Mrs. Carol Greenhalgh

A big thank you to everyone involved, from all the participants to our ACM Scouts leaders.
Your dedication to scouting and shaping young leaders is truly commendable.

We look forward to more memorable events together!

Scouts Made Easy Workshop

Alhamdulil-laah we had a great turnout at our first ever ‘Scouts Made Easy Workshop’.

This was an interactive day of programme planning ideas, top tips, games & much more to give Scout leaders the knowledge and skills to provide the best scouting experience for young people.

Alhamdulil-laah we are getting closer to officially launching our Scouts Group at Ashton Central Mosque.

If you would like to join as a volunteer or just ask questions, please complete the above form.

Jazaakal-laahu Khayran for UK Muslim Scout Fellowship and The Scouts for organising such an amazing event!