The day of Jumu‘ah functions as the focal point and axis for the entire Muslim community. They gather and reconnect with the majestic and timeless words of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta ‘Ala and find guidance and meaning in the life of the Prophet Salla Allahu ‘Alayhi Wa Sallama. To enable the effective delivery of the true message of Islam the Imam delivers Jumu‘ah in three different languages to cater for all the congregants. To further engage the congregants and enable the spread of the Jumu‘ah message, the Imam at Ashton Central Mosque delivers the speech and Khutbah with a Power Point Presentation, which can be downloaded from the webpage below.   

1:00 – 1:15 Qur’anic Recitation

1:15 – 1:25 Jumu‘ah Adhaan & Sunnahs

1:25- 1:55 Jumu‘ah Speech in English

1:55 – 2:00 Jumu‘ah Announcements and Khutbah in Arabic

2:00 – Jumu‘ah Salah Begins

To request a Jumu‘ah topic, have a question answered on Jumu‘ah or feedback and comments, please  contact the Imam on:



05.01.24 – O George PDF – Audio

12.01.24 – Assumptions With People Part I PDF – Audio

19.01.24 – Assumptions With Allah Part II PDF Audio

26.01.24 – The Hairdresser & Mi’raaj PDF Audio

02.02.24 – Your Smell PDF – Audio

09.02.24 – Paradisaical Fragrance PDF – Audio

01.03.24 – Pre-Ramadan – Let It Go PDF Audio

08.03.24 – Ramadan – It Beckons PDF Audio

15.03.24 – Ramadan – Terms & Conditions Apply PDF – Audio

22.03.24 – Ramadan – Money Heist PDF – Audio

29.03.24 – Ramadan – Taqwa Taqwa Taqwa PDF – Audio

05.04.24 – Welcome – Salaam PDF – Audio

12.04.24 – Investment & Maintenance PDF Audio

19.04.23 – 10 Qualities – Imam M. Bilal R. – Audio

26.04.24 – Rememorari Mort PDF – Audio

03.05.24 – Who Are You – Imam M. Bilal R – Audio

24.05.24 – Do Not Forget PDF Audio

14.06.24 – Kalimaat Legacy PDF Audio

21.06.24 – Leadership PDF Audio

12.07.24 – Invictus PDF – Audio

19.07.24 – Muharram & The Power of 3 Words PDF – Audio

26.07.24 – Muharram & Victory PDF Audio


Friday Sermons 2023 Archive

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Friday Sermons 2019 Archive

Friday Sermons 2018 Archive

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Friday Sermons 2015 Archive

Friday Sermons 2014 Archive 


The Spirit of Jumu’ah

Rhetoric is “one of the tools of calling people to Allah and one of the most important educational, coaching and influential means. It also has many fruits to yield such as; resolving conflicts, ending clashes, calming angry souls, spurring the fervour of apathetic souls, restoring rights, the voice of the wronged and the tongue of guidance. Rhetoric ignites the fervour of the armies, pushes them to pursue death and empowers their moral vigour” Read More…

Top Ten Khateebs; Killing Fridays

Every Friday morning, Muslims with a Y chromosome (and a bunch with two X’s) around the globe get ready for their weekly trip to the Mosque for a sermon, or “khutbah” as we call it. For some, it’s a wonderful opportunity to get a much-needed inspiration-boost and “īmān-rush” to last until next week… …and for most, it’s a wonderful opportunity to catch a nap while in an awkward sitting position, or find new fascination with pocket lint or wayward strings jutting out of our clothes, or even discover how pretty the Mosque carpet designs are. Read More…